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0 Jobs

Wide pool of jobs from all around the world

0 Employers

Be part of the community and hunt talent fast.

4 Candidates

Connect and enhance your career scope.

How It Works.

Select between the role to get started.


We offer great prices, premium products and quality service for your business.


Basic Plain

$39 $480 / mo
  • 100 Active Jobs Linkedin
  • 100 Active Users
  • 15 Active Interviews
  • 15 Active Traits
  • No Separate Site
  • No Branding
  • 1 Roles and Permissions
  • 1 Custom Emails


$73 $580 / mo
  • 200 Active Jobs Linkedin
  • 200 Active Users
  • 200 Active Interviews
  • 15 Active Traits
  • No Separate Site
  • No Branding
  • 1 Roles and Permissions
  • 1 Custom Emails


$99 $615 / mo
  • 400 Active Jobs Linkedin
  • 400 Active Users
  • 400 Active Interviews
  • 40 Active Traits
  • 1 Separate Site
  • 1 Branding
  • 1 Roles and Permissions
  • 1 Custom Emails


Unlike some other regular job portal, here is a list of some out of the box features along with the regular job portal features.


Filter out the best candidates with online quizes without the hassle of manual checking or calling them on a premises.


Create interview questionaires as according to the position requirement, assign it to the HR Specialist, Do the markings against each candidate and results will be automatically be compiled for comparision.

Self Assesment

Ask quantitative (rating) questions from candidates to check out their self confidence for their qualities in their resume.

Job Board

The all in one unique job board gives you an ease to auto compare candidate against a job position by their quiz, interview and trait marks. From the same screen, you can assign additional quizes, interviews and do other things as well.

Resume Builder

With the built in resume builder, candidates can better portray their education, experience and skills with ratings thus enabling you to better compare them.

Job Filters

Make any number of dynamic job filters as according to your requirements from location to job type and so on. If you are using system as multitenancy, you can even enable all the site owners to have their own set of job filters.

Job Referrals

If you are not reaching the right candidates, refer job feature cand help you reach to the right candidates.

Personalized Settings

All employers can have their own logo, banner and other setting to suite their needs and preferences.

Roles and Permissions

With the extensive roles and permissions, create roles separately for news managers, job managers, interviewers and so on.


Almost all of the modules provides feature to download particular set or complete records in excel files.