Build a Free Website and Add Automation


  • Familiarity with Gmail and Google Services


DIY Free Business Website: Every business needs to have a website. Customers and potential customers need to know what problem you solve and how to do business with you. But your business may not need to spend hundred or thousands of dollars to have a website created. In this course you will learn how to build a functional business website and only pay the price of a domain (often around $1 per month).

Once your website is build, I show you how to embed a customer contact form into your website. This will collect customer email addresses to grow your list. We add automation to send them an email (with a copy to you). The final piece of automation is adding their email address to your email list.

The email service and automation package are free (in my example). When you finish this course you will be able to purchase a web domain, build a simple website, add a contact form, and add automation to send emails to prospects and add their email to your list.

A business website is an essential component in marketing your business. You know, as a business owner, that you must be wise in how you spend money. A simple website with information about your business, how to contact you, and simple automation don’t need to be expensive. Build your business website today.

Who this course is for:

  • Small Business Owners

Build a Free Website and Add Automation

Build a Free Website and Add Automation

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Enrolled: 4 students
Duration: 3.5 total hours
Lectures: 1
Level: Beginner
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