

Here in this course, Guide To Web Design Using Elementor & WordPress. I’ll teach you about Elementor and how to use it to make awesome-looking websites easy without writing any HTML or CSS.

We’ll be using a free theme and the free version of Elementor to create an awesome web design website.

Elementor is a very powerful frontend tool to make websites and learning how to use it can be very beneficial.

With Elementor you’ll be able to make all sorts of different custom designs by just drag and dropping elements and customizing them.
Elementor also has a huge variety of templates that can help you speed up the process of building websites.

The website that we’ll be making will be a simple portfolio website with 3 pages.
I’ll be teaching you how to make a beautiful homepage and also we’ll be making contact me and about me page.



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Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 1
Level: Beginner
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