Math for Creatives


Break down concepts such as trigonometry, algebra, randomness and noise in a visual way to add layers of interactivity into your projects.

Math… for creatives? Isn’t that like mixing cheese and chocolate? Maybe in the past but as part of a modern creative’s workflow, mathematics can be an invaluable tool to add layers of interactivity into your work.

This isn’t your traditional math class. This is targeted towards people who think visually and want to understand how to mould math to their advantage.

If you work in design, motion or animation you will learn how to break down concepts such as trigonometry, algebra, randomness and noise in a visual, easy-to-understand way that you can add to your own projects.

Math for Creatives

Math for Creatives

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Enrolled: 0 students
Lectures: 1
Level: Beginner
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